Rawan Tahboub
Rawan Tahboub
Foto: PrivatAngaben zur Person:
Rawan (Mohammad Haydar) Midhat Tahboub
Telefon: +49 3641 9-42776
E-Mail: rawan.Tahboub@uni-jena.de
Forschungsinteressen mit Bezug auf Diaspora:
- Interaktion und Kommunikation von diasporischen Gemeinschaften
- Translokale Netzwerke und Kontaktstrukturen
- Wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische Anforderungen
Vorläufiger Arbeitstitel des Promotionsprojekts: Virtual Exchange as a Mechanism for Digital Education in Reconciliation Process - Transdisciplinary Research
English Abstract: In fragile societies reconciliation is a priority, and as such the Palestinian society. The social, political, and geographical divisions of the Palestinians are demonstrated in multiple cleavages that are hindering homogeneity and the creation of a stable and democratic state. Reconciliation, in the Hölderlin Perspective of professor Martin Leiner, is thought to be best in the middle of the conflict. This reconciliation among the fringe groups and parties can lead to a covenant similar to the Kantian "covenant of nations" on a local level. It can be achieved through the applied Phronesis for the reconciliation process using virtual exchange/education. Therefore, this project, is a transdisciplinary research combining digital humanities, reconciliation and education. It is exploring the question of “To what extent can virtual exchange develop a mechanism for digital transformation towards the reconciliation process in the middle of conflict for civil society and policy change?” I will be exploring the experimental aspects of using Virtual Exchange (VE) as a mechanism to foster reconciliation as a case study on virtual education. The project will be evaluated using a community-based mixed method approach. The application of this project is based on using the virtual exchange to connect Palestinians in the diaspora with Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and Arab 48. Dialogues between the 4 groups on identity, society, politics, etc., will help form an overview of the potential of using technology in reconciliation for fragile societies.
Keywords: Social Cohesion, Digital Humanites, Reconciliation, Education
Laufzeit: 3-4 years
Förderung: TBA
Kooperationspartner: TBA